Sunday, July 20, 2008

Liatin website orang

Cape belajar TOEFL mulu... lalu stelah baca KOMPAS isinya bikin depresif pula...
Akhirnya liat-liat blog orang , one of them blog Dian Sastro, baca tulisannya tentang Wirausaha Mandiri ... bla bla bla.
Although gue tertarik dengan wirausaha tapi at the moment lagi not in the mood to explain about it.

Dibawahnya dia recommend blog yang kocak banget, judulnya :
Empat sifat Anak Perawan
[ mesti dibaca sama smua anak perawan dan yang akan merawanin }:]

Hari ini gue belajar vocab baru -since my mac had Oxford Dictionary 
*owh i love mac so much*

quintessential : representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class. 

Lalu liat minifeed Martin ars di Facebook, and his website , 
like as always... *quintessential* just like the person. 
I really think he changed a lot since the last time I met him
( iyalah. . . . that was six years ago kali )

*aduh*... headache gue kambuh lage
must go to bed
maklum... sifat anak perawan :-)

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