just back home from Twilite Orchestra, ga nyesel banget deh bayar nobango :)
it's not just a beautiful concert, but also quite entertaining...
tau ga prasaan gwe kalo nonton konser begituan tuh rasanya hati gwe berdesir-desir *cieh* bahasanya... palagi Addie MS ternyata tidak se-wibawa yg gwe kira, in fact he's quite funny & kynya orgnya hangat... gwe jd jealous waktu dia kissing ama Memes (curang banget ya, mentang2 suaminya conductor)
I wish... I watched this with someone I loved (come on, who r u thinkin' anyway ?)
yang paling keren kayanya O Fortuna yg dibawain choir Unpad, uhm... wait... Libiamo jg keren, 3 org itu emang bagus, Christ Abimanyu, Linda S & Baruna. Trio Trumpets juga luchu... poknya worthed deh.
kapan ya gwe bisa nonton konser begitu lagi, di gedung Sydney Opera House gitu :)
tus pulangnya jadi ngebahas Addie MS gitu (kt Ary, jadi melihat different side of him ) dulunya gwe biasanya aja, sekarang jd kaya ada special bound gitu deh... hehe... he's not as cool as I thought before.
Actually semua pemaen muzik nya menyenangkan, mereka seperti one big family.
tau ga, gwe yakin, behind all that stuff, pasti ada beratus-ratus jam /sesion latihan yang harus mereka bayar, not to mention dimarahin, pasti it's a hard work lah... dan kl penonton puas, pasti kebayar deh capenya.
(koq gwe bisa tau? karena gini2 juga gwe dulu perna ikutan acara operet di greja gwe jadi penari tapinya :)
thanx God for today, for I could see such a beautiful thing like that, juga kl gwe terlahir sbg org yg suka hal-hal indah :) dan for my family so I could afford it
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