Sunday, November 06, 2011

my color test result

Sebenernya gw bukan tipe orang yang percaya soal hal-hal 'gaib', malah kadang suka ngetawain orang yang terlalu concern sama hal-hal begituan.

Juga tentang aura warna, malah jadi bahan becandaan atau lucu-lucuan di kantor.
Kalo ada orang yang qta suka bilangnya : ' I like his/her aura color' .
atau, ' I like him/her, maybe we have the same aura (color).'
Yah pokonya untuk joke doang bukan artinya seriusan...

Anyway, tapi honestly gw suka belajar dikit tentang personality atau tipe-tipe kepribadian.
Maybe because I am a people oriented person.

Juga kalau jalan-jalan a.ka traveling gw seneng denger cerita dari orang-orang yang gw temui selama perjalanan. Beberapa orang punya cerita extraordinary dan rasanya I could learn so many things about life from them.

Prinsip gw menyikapi hal ini adalah: 'Life is too short to learn all the mistakes by yourself.'
So indeed, belajar dari pengalaman orang menurut gw adalah salahsatu belajar tentang kehidupan juga.

Just recently, sekedar iseng, dan juga sisa dari traveling kemaren ke Italia, gw menyimpan pertanyaan; (maklum kalo peneliti biasanya selalu mulai sebuah objective dengan research question :) " Kenapa orang punya warna kesukaan tertentu/ color preference ? "

Mungkinkah ada hubungannya dengan kepribadian / karakter/ personality orang tersebut?

Jadi gw meng-googling untuk ikutan tes color preference/ color personality atau sejenisnya, yang ternyata mayan banyak juga di result google (hihihi... aneh, ternyata banyak toch yang concern ke hal-hal kaya gini)

Dan inilah salahsatu hasil tes yang kemaren gw ambil :

You are 46 % extrovert and 54 % introvert.

Independently of any order of importance :

You are creative, you always have new ideas, and your inspiration comes from the inside.

You are also strong-willed and active, your actions are determined by your own will, by the goals you settled for yourself, and by your need to act and to move forward.

Finally you are able to have an in-depth thinking, you think before acting, and you know how to communicate your knowledge.

Hmmm masa sih gw lebih banyak introvert sekarang daripada extrovert-nya ?
People changes time to time indeed . . .
Your understanding of your environment :

At first, at 35%, you are focused on the facts and on the reality, and your decisions are determined by your perception of facts.

Then, at a ratio of 34%, you are attached to moral values and feelings, and you have an emotional relation with the environment.

Finally, at 30%, you are centered on your thoughts and your actions are determined by your knowledge and your experience.

Memang saat ini gw berusaha untuk 'balance' dan mencoba tidak didominasi oleh otak kiri saja atau otak kanan saja, but both have to contribute. I like this result . . .

How you assert yourself :

In your relations with others,
your actions are determined by your will and your personal goals at a ratio of 56%. In 43% of the cases you take into account your own sensibility and your partner’s.

Kesannya disini koq seperti gw orang yang tidak sensitive terhadap kebutuhan orang laen dan lebih mementingkan goal sendiri . . . masa sih ? kayanya engga deh, lagian sekarang kan gw jomblo juga jadi . . . hmm, ya gak masalah kali yeh.

Lalu ada juga percentage tentang creativity, imagination, energy bla bla bla dan kesimpulannya

Finally, you are attuned to others and you show a good emotional intelligence, which allow you to give support to people, you are open and good communicator, you know how to attract people and engage them.

Yah lumayan deh, ternyata gw gak bakat jadi psikopat - masi cocok jadi dokter & nolong orang kalo gitu :D

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