Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ngobrol ama Paul dan Anna. . .

Waktu Eurotrip bulan September lalu ke Portugal, kita (me & partner) sempet kenalan ama couple asal UK.
Namanya Paul dan Anna.
Paul musisi dan Anna artist (bukan artis sinetron, tapi orang yang bekerja dengan 'art' alias seniman).
Ngobrol sana sini, si Anna nanya gue: 'Kerjaan elu apa?'

Gue jawab: 'Gue dokter, tapi kerja di penelitian tentang HIV.'

Dia bilang: 'Wah asik banget. Gue dulu pengen jadi dokter juga tuh.'

Sambil cengengesan, gue bales: 'Yeah, everybody wants to be something else. For me, I always wanna be a veterinarian.'

It is so true.

Temen gue kerjaannya di teknik mesin tapi sebenernya pengen jadi musisi.
Yang udah jadi musisi, dulu benernya pengen jadi jurnalis.
Gue pengennya jadi dokter hewan tapi malah jadi dokter umum (orang).

Padahal banyak orang yang pengen jadi seperti gue (pengen jadi dokter maksudnya) tapi gak bisa karena satu dan lain hal,

Meanwhile, sampe sekarang kalo gue liat binatang terlantar (anjing/ kucing/ kuda/ wotever) selalu sedih karena gak bisa ikutan nolong.

A shattered dream.


PS. Dan saat ini pengen miara guguk lagi tapi gak bisa..... we're just too busy at this moment to keep a dog *hiks*

But one cannot have too much dreams in one's life

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Jadwal Libur 2010

Berikut jadwal liburan tahun 2010 mendatang
(berguna untuk yang mau merencanakan liburan, kawinan, acara bolos dari kantor, etc :-)

Jumat, 1 Januari Tahun Baru Masehi

Minggu, 14 Februari Tahun Baru Imlek 2561
Jumat, 26 Februari Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW

Selasa, 16 Maret Nyepi Tahun Baru Saka 1932

Jumat, 2 April Wafat Yesus Kristus

Kamis, 13 Mei Kenaikan Yesus Kristus
 Jumat, 28 Mei Raya Waisak 2554

Sabtu, 10 Juli Isra Miraj Nabi Muhammad SAW

Selasa, 17 Agustus Hari Kemerdekaan RI

Jumat dan Sabtu 10-11 September, Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1431 H
* Cuti bersama Idul Fitri : tanggal 9 dan 13 September

Rabu, 17 November Idul Adha 1431 H,

Selasa, 7 Desember Tahun Baru 1432 H
Sabtu 25 Desember Hari Raya Natal.
*Cuti bersama Natal : tanggal 24 Desember

Semoga bermanfaat !

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Scholarship lagi, Motivation letter lagi...

Info dari milis FK Unpad :


Education is a core theme of increased United States-Indonesia
development cooperation, which was re-emphasized recently during a
telephone conversation between U.S. President Barack Obama and
Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

To follow up that commitment, the United States Agency for International Development
(USAID), through the Human and Institutional Capacity Development
(HICD) program working in collaboration with the Academy for
Educational Development (AED), opens the opportunity for talented
young Indonesians to study for Master’s and PhD degrees in the U.S.
The programs are fully funded by USAID. The programs offered are:

1. Master’s Degree in Education and Human Development, emphasizing
studies in Education Policy and Management, Human Development and
Psychology, International Education Policy, Language and Literacy,
Math and Science Education, Education Leadership, Teacher Education,
Education Technology, Education Law, Education Finance, Curriculum and
Instruction, Education Research Design, Politics in Education,
Education Assessment and Testing, Special Education, Counseling.

*) Please see for the detailed program description
including eligible institutions.

2. Master’s Degree in Public Health, emphasizing studies in
International Health; Epidemiology/ Biostatistics; and Health System
Capacity Development.

3. Master’s Degree in Environment Studies, emphasizing studies in
Climate Change; Coastal and Marine Conservation; Pelagic Fisheries
Management; and Energy/Environmenta l Engineering.

4. Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD Degrees in Economics, emphasizing
studies in Economics, Finance, Management, Accounting, Insurance,
Agriculture, Agribusiness, and Public Policy.
*) Please see for the detailed program description
including eligibility requirements for the Bachelor’s Degree.

5. Master’s Degree in Public Affairs/Public Policy/Political
Science/Public Administration/ Non-profit Management or related fields.

Further/ more detail information in Open Program AED.

Dateline aplikasi tanggal 1 Januari 2010, mohon disebar luaskan ke teman, saudara, kolega, keponakan, adik/kakak ipar, yang sekiranya membutuhkan informasi beasiswa tersebut.

Informasi terkait lainnya, jika membutuhkan panduan atau guideline untuk penulisan essay (letter of motivation, personal statement etc) bisa dicari di website berikut :

How to write a personal statement

Formal letter writing tips

Sample Medical School Application Essay—After

This is what I need to ready (and learn from it!)
before I make my essay for the USAID scholarship.

Sample Medical School Application Essay—After

Hope I can make it this time !

Friday, November 06, 2009

Saving bella

Saving bella the dog
It was almost 2 months ago that we adopted bella from a foster, through a quite complicated processes ; select a dog from pictures, filling and sending an adoption form, interview, couple of times went to Jakarta, a city located nearly 300 kms from my hometown, looking for appropriate dog for my home.

Then I finally picked her, cause she's cute, active (or naughty, said the owner) and I just fell in love with her since our first acquaintance.

We gave her the first series complete vaccines a week after her arrival in our home. And she looked okay, since bella almost always happy and active as a young dog. Seemed there's nothing went wrong at that moment.
I left for vacation to Thailand in the next 2 weeks, it was amazing trip of course.

When I came home, I've noticed there's this eyes discharges on bella's eyes.

I thought it was just a common bacterial infection, and after consulted with her vet, we gave her a topical antibiotic. Then there was this constant jerking of her left back leg, which I thought it wasn't so serious, since bella really likes to climb up things in my mother's garden. There was also a sign of unusually hardened pad, that I noticed, but we missed the early detection anyway.

We took her to the vet in the end of the week after we heard her shrieking at night in the last 2 days, it was like she's having nightmares.

The vet was saying our bella got Distemper that attacked the central nervous systems. I
t was a worse version then the other classic type that attacks digestive system and manifest symptoms such as vomit, diarrhea, anorexia, cause our bella didn't have all those symptoms.

She still has a good appetite, no vomit or diarrhea whatsoever.
She probably got the virus from the fosterage, it could take 21 days for incubation period though. And there's no cure for Distemper , it caused by the virus. It was dog's own immune body system that has to build and treatment was given supportively.

I found in websites that 80% of dogs who get this diagnosed get killed by the virus, and the prognosis even worse if the virus already attacked the nerves systems, with permanent complications could occur even if its resolve.
Basically, all the information I get from the websites just make me even more discourage about bella's chance to survive.
Not to mention had to hear the squeak every night even thou' I already gave the medication
(I even got her the prescription for diazepam so she could get asleep).

It's so sad to see her condition, with the constant muscle jerking, incoordination movement when she's walking trying to pee, and the sore around her mouth. We're really thinking about euthanasia if she's not getting better.

Whenever I saw her with all the suffering, I thought ; ' A dog shouldn't lived like this.'

Unfortunately this dog didn't had much opportunity to live a happy life with us.

So we finally letting her go, we took her to a vet and put her to sleep.

Goodbye bella.

our bella

Monday, November 02, 2009

example letter of motivation

Related to my goals for higher education (alias pengen skolah S2 tapi gada duit) so I was searching for scholarship. The scholarships there are Erasmus Mundus, Chevening, and Netherland Fellowship Program (NFP).
And then I have to write a letter of motivation.

Google result for the keywords : 'example letter of motivation' came out 15,400,000 links.
It is a big number.

Click on few links below :

very simple , few points to be taken into consideration.

really close to what I am looking for, it is an example letter of motivation
not quite close, it is explain about the cover letter, but not for what I look for

Lets try the keywords 'letter of motivation' then .... it came with 70,300,000 results

still a long way to go to write it down.
