Foto narsis bersama anak-anak CS di depan JCC, Jakarta.
Jadi mello deh gue. . . . . gara-gara cowo ini [ cowo yang mana pula ? ]
here's the story goes . . .
yudha (dalam lingkaran putih) sebagai seseorang yang (mestinya) suka naek gunung or climbing, dia gak terlalu representatif. i mean, liat aja clananya abu kotak-kotak dan modelnya ketat.
gue rasa sudah wajib hukumnya anak-anak pecinta alam itu kostumnya ya kostum clana untuk naek gunung, bukan kaya giring nidji. moreover syal yang dia pake.
*duhhhh* emang bener sih JCC dingin at that moment, tapi penting ya ngikutin tren saat event simulasi climbing?!?
anyway, satu-satunya hal yang cocok dengan profil pecinta alam adalah
(1) rambut gondrong, dan pas pertama gue liat dia (rasa-rasanya) dia pake bandana....
i mean bandananya bukan dipake macem anak-anak cewe abege itu of course, tapi in a macho way...
u know what i mean lah
(2) additional item, namanya mirip tokoh yuda di bilangan fu (novel ayu utami)
who is tukang naek gunung juga.... see, pantesan gue merasa perna kenal dia sblonnya.
[tapi dia blon ada 'marja'nya, yeah... that will make a whole story totally diffrent anyway]
how we met :
entah itu adalah pick up line yang corny, or dia emang beneran nyangka gue adalah cewe yang dia liat hari kemarennya. bottomline, we involved in conversation too fast while he taught me how to use the equipment.
it was fun. then he asked my ph number.
i certainly done nothing about it. then he changed strategy, he gave me his ph# and pushed me to send him msg.
(it worked thou')
anyway, it could be advantageous for me, as i wanna have one real experience in cave climbing.
could be fun. or... even adventurous *hmmmh*
Jadi mello deh gue. . . . . gara-gara cowo ini [ cowo yang mana pula ? ]
i was listening to love music and it has been so long i didn't do things like this.
my mom will definitely finds out that i fall in love, but not with him.
there were some moments in our lives, that destiny would met us together, and it just happened that way.
it wasn't something planned, or by intention. we just there and talked about places left behind in our past.
its funny that i realized i didn't know anything about him, but seems like i knew him for so long.
maybe he used to be just a character in my mind, that i've read in one of my books (?!?). my mom will definitely finds out that i fall in love, but not with him.
there were some moments in our lives, that destiny would met us together, and it just happened that way.
it wasn't something planned, or by intention. we just there and talked about places left behind in our past.
its funny that i realized i didn't know anything about him, but seems like i knew him for so long.
here's the story goes . . .

gue rasa sudah wajib hukumnya anak-anak pecinta alam itu kostumnya ya kostum clana untuk naek gunung, bukan kaya giring nidji. moreover syal yang dia pake.
*duhhhh* emang bener sih JCC dingin at that moment, tapi penting ya ngikutin tren saat event simulasi climbing?!?
anyway, satu-satunya hal yang cocok dengan profil pecinta alam adalah
(1) rambut gondrong, dan pas pertama gue liat dia (rasa-rasanya) dia pake bandana....
i mean bandananya bukan dipake macem anak-anak cewe abege itu of course, tapi in a macho way...
u know what i mean lah
(2) additional item, namanya mirip tokoh yuda di bilangan fu (novel ayu utami)
who is tukang naek gunung juga.... see, pantesan gue merasa perna kenal dia sblonnya.
[tapi dia blon ada 'marja'nya, yeah... that will make a whole story totally diffrent anyway]
how we met :
entah itu adalah pick up line yang corny, or dia emang beneran nyangka gue adalah cewe yang dia liat hari kemarennya. bottomline, we involved in conversation too fast while he taught me how to use the equipment.
it was fun. then he asked my ph number.
i certainly done nothing about it. then he changed strategy, he gave me his ph# and pushed me to send him msg.
(it worked thou')
anyway, it could be advantageous for me, as i wanna have one real experience in cave climbing.
could be fun. or... even adventurous *hmmmh*
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