Saturday, June 26, 2004

just don't feel well today

Prasaan gwe rada gak enak nowadays.... and i just don't know why (?)

Probably krn faktor external, one of them , gwe sedang tidak get along with girls di kelompok kecil satu lage.
Somehow  gwe lagi males aja bareng ma mereka & looks like mereka juga ga butuh-butuh amat ma gwe.
Speakin' of which, F**  jadian ma H** dan tadi sepertinya gw tidak merespon dgn baik.
abis mesti gmn lagi? itu kan predictable, just about the time aja.

Or faktor internal, gwe sedang thru' quarter-life crisis (emang ada yeah?)
Dimana gwe melihat orang dimana-mana udah punya pacar, go for a date....actually those such things ain't really matter to me (tapi kenapa akhir-akhir ini gwe jd think it thru'  yeah? )

Lalu, ada sikap gwe yg gak asik banget sama L**, when he call me & i don't have time for him
(it must be turn him down .....) sorry for that
Gwe rasa gwe mesti kursus otak kanan (?!) kursus sama peter dong.....

Gw rasa gwe mesti mendekatkan diri sama Tuhan for He always take me the way I am......
Males banget ke Jakarta ntar kawinan ami, sptnya kl gwe ikutan pun gwe bakal ga enjoy deh.
Maybe i just push myself too hard kalo sampe ikutan......

Then about that boy with beautiful nose, gwe sedang berusaha gak ketemu / think/ gettn' involve with him ( for i don't have any future with him ?)
Tapi tadi ketemu, and my heart beats faster..... and  i can see from his face kalo dia juga seneng ktmu gwe ( tapi  gwe rasa dia juga tau kalo  we never can be together)

Masa gwe masih berkutat sama hal yang kaya gini while  temen-temen  gwe udah mao pada merit...
I should've make my own comittment to myself  [konyol ah......]

Right now i really need : a bath, wash my hair, wearin' a comfort pjamas, take time to pray, and convince myself that evrything will be ok (in His time?)

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