It's from the AED Jakarta.
And here's some things that I prepared for the interview.
And I asked one of my colleagues to have this rehearsal, days before the real interview.Tips from Mr. Google
[ It was very helpful actually ! ]
My interview was re-scheduled twice or three times, before I got an exact day, which was on Monday.
Because I need to come along way to go from Bandung to Jakarta, I spared 4 hours in a trip (so I could showed up early, an hour before my appointment)
I could actually talked to others candidates, to see how they prepared (or not), and estimating my chance :-)
Because I need to come along way to go from Bandung to Jakarta, I spared 4 hours in a trip (so I could showed up early, an hour before my appointment)
I could actually talked to others candidates, to see how they prepared (or not), and estimating my chance :-)
However, it was a nice interview. It was like any intimidating interview but still, I was nervous and I could felt I want to fainted any time.
The interviewers consisted of 5 persons, one of them threw most of questions.
Three persons sat in the back, took notes most of the time.
These were some of those questions that shown up during the interview
(90% I already familiar with throughout a rehearse interview :-)
- Why you choose/interested to apply AED
- Why reproductive health (or why did you choose this major)
- Tell me about your organization, what the focus of your organization
- Have you ever been working for the government, can you tell the difference working with government compare with your current institution
- In your CV, you wrote about 'volunteer in charity events' , can you tell me more about it.
- If you received a scholarship, then you have to live in US by yourself (without your family, spouse) what are you gonna do about it
- What you're gonna do to motivate yourself in order to get a good GPA
- What makes us to choose you as a candidate who received the scholarship (what makes you 'different' from others candidates)
- What did you do in your spare time (one of my answer was traveling, then) have you ever traveling abroad and where