My first home visit to sexual workers community, this job was a thing I have been done in the past for charity. Now I am doing it and got paid ! I don't have any objection about it !
Speaking about prejudice, I wrote in previous post in one of my bLog, that we shouldn't judge people if we hardly know them.
For example was this group, sexual workers that might not accepted and people tend to have sort of prejudice about them.
It is wrong to say whether what they did right or wrong, there are certain motivation that modified them to keep doing their job, firstly of course for money.
Even for 10,000 IDR ( that's one dollar ! ) they would get laid although they don't like the person.
And this group also vulnerable for getting STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) and HIV, not to mention the problem of convincing the clients to wear condom consistently for every sexual intercourse.
There are so many things come in my mind after the session. And so many questions about life itself. How to sort the problems out for their life. What's my part if I was capable to doing so.
But right now I am sure I am in the right track to pursue my deepest desire of all this time.