It has been almost a month that i got home . . . . . .
and this time i don't have to back to Sumbawa again ( not as a doctor , but maybe someday for vacation or honeymoon ? we don't know yet . . . )
Funnily i kinda miss Sumbawa, i miss the sunny weather, beaches and sands, my friends in the health center, my patients, and all the little things that i couldn't get here. . . . .
I met my very bestfriend there, selvi, we used to go shopping together, talked about so many ( unimportant ) things, she's like a sister to me indeed, not to mention we have a lot in common ( so grateful that we've not crushed into the same guy ). On a day like this we could texted each other before we go to bed evrynight. . . . . if i haven't had her, i know i will never survive for 9 months in Sumbawa.
Things really get better if u have friends.
Last night in my bed before i went to sleep, i remembered these wonderful people that i have met there. . . . i would never get a chance to meet such people if i haven't gone there for the first place.
Heather put my pictures with her in her website, so lovely. . . . though we just get along for 3 months, i realized that no matter what our age, races, language. . . . . we could get friends anywhere. We understood the same jokes, she has taught me things that evry girl should know e. g. about guy's shoe size ( thanx Heather, it means soooo muuuccchhhhh to me ! )
The moment she went back to Sydney it felt like i'm losing my friend forever, it's like i would never seen her again. . . . though i knew i'd probably wrong. Besides we could stil keep in touch thru' mails right?
Eddie was another story there. . . . . . .
I met him in the ferry boat. I actually noticed him from my car before i get into the boat, he was wearing his sunglasses, look very cool and tall and tan. He brought his surfboard along with his bike. That's enough for my fantasy. . . . .
Of course i have an imagination to have a little conversation with him, but it'd be different to make it come true. . . . . until he came to approach me first when i was searching for wind near the window. Then i asked him several questions, he replied me back, then we ended up showing each other pictures in our cameras. He's actually 24 y.o but he looked much younger (he told the same thing about me. . . . . . i should've told him that i was 22 ! do u believe if there was a 22 y.o medical doctor ? )
He's truly a nice person, funny and polite ( like many decent Bristish men i supposed . . . . . it's hard to imagine that he would do something naughty to me. . . . . . vice versa :)
The last e-mail i received from him he told me he just moved to his new flat and that he missed too the sunny weather of Sumbawa.
I will never forgot this memorable experience when i went to one of the isles by boat, when i saw dolphins, a group of it, and they're actually jump around like i saw in the Tv's ! I always wanna be a veterinary since i was little, and that i could find so many uncommon animal is my greatest desire. . . . . . One of my dreams is to touch (or even swim among them) dolphins and whales. I always wanna go to the Seaworld, but as i grew up, i found out that it no longer become my priorities as an adult.
Another enjoyment for me is to watch the sunset. I was once ended up in the beach of Senggigi taking up picture of the sunset, that was a perfect sunset, a perfect sky, while we sitting in the sand. Seemed so romantic, but unfortunately i was just going with my friend, a regular friend, a bald guy with a big heart :) he shared me stories about his past love life, and i learned from it. If he were someone else that special to my heart, i would have kissed him while the sun goes down. . . . . . but what we've done later just finished our ice cream and walked home. . . . . .