Supposed to be rapat wisuda today, tapi ternyata dimundurin jadi besok!
mana ga enak badan lagi............yang ada chatting di mesko ama yosy (mengenang masa2 koas:)
golden old days . . . . . . . . . .
Skarang liat anak2 koas yang laen dah ga pada kenal , tampangnya baru smua (muda2 & culun2)
Yosy kinda asked me about si HW
(i'm so glad for what i feel right now , i dont feel sad when i talked about him , and i'm so glad for he's not mine - and i wasn't for him)
Maybe bcoz i have found a better person? i dont know . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Like i zed ( in my diary) klo ternyata tar ktemu chemistry nya ada , gw ngerasa enak , gw mau2 aja loh diajak merit ^^
(but this is a highly confidential information!)
So far , gw ngerasa nyaman ...........
He didn't keep me too tight (penting utk ce ky gw)
Sumtimes he busy with his own activity (so i could miss him ;)
StiL i know that he cares for me
Gw jd ngerasa..... maybe this is what we (supposed to) feel when we found our soulmate
(ktemu aja blon dah ngaku2 soulmate?)
Like he zed (di testimoni)
could an evil makes friendship with an angel?
they dont believe soulmate
but he had touched it, in her......
be careful , 'm jez an evil
I was trembling when i read it ( i thought i was the one who feel it for him.... )
What i like from him
1. lucunya itu (the way i always smile when i read mail/sms)
2. the depth of his thought (lumayan.... co gokil yang punya ke-kritisan sama sumthing juga.... - maybe we have sumthing in common)
3. sporty (sudah sepatutnya anak co suka maen bola/basket, bukannya fishing ! )
4. unpredictable (sumtimes he can be naughty, but also sweet)
I think............. ( i hate to admit this!) ............maybe.......... i'm in love or sumthing............
it's hard not to tell anyone about him right now ( klo kata tia, sperti topic of d'day )
stop it girl ! u dont even know him (yet)
I know...... it just...... i cant deny sumthin what i felt right?
It feels.................. so right ( when i told sis' about it , i'm so glad he came to me at the right moment........ )
I just wanna hear love songs ( not again !)
but now i understand evry each words . . . . . . .